Application software can access the USB device through a series of DLL function calls. d2xx ports of Future Technology Devices International (FTDI) D2XX direct USB driver to several languages. D2XX drivers allow direct access to the USB device through a DLL.
FTDI chips are used in a variety of USB products such as serial converters and dongles. To locate the drivers you want to install for a device, select which of the driver types you wish to use ( VCP or D2XX ) and then locate the appropriate operating systems.
D2xx WinRT is a device driver for FTDI’s range of USB converter chips. The D2XX driver allows direct access to a USB device via a DLL interface. Application software can access the USB device through a series of DLL function calls. FTDI chips are used in a variety of USB products such as serial converters and dongles. D2XX drivers allow direct access to the USB device through a DLL. The functions available are listed in the D2XX Programmer's Guide document which is available from the Documents section of this site. The functions available are listed in the D2XX Programmer's Guide document which is available from the Documents section of this site.
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