On your iPhone or iPad, you can quickly see travel directions by adding a Google Maps shortcut. Change the volume level while connected to CarPlay . Choose Louder, Normal, or Softer. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app .
Sadly, one can't easily downgrade, so if you're already using iOS 6, you're out of luck for now. On the lock screen of your iPhone or iPad, swipe left to right until you see a list of widgets.
With Siri and Apple's built-in Maps, you know longer have to stop, type, and search for directions.You can simply tell Siri where you want to go, and you'll get a route to go right there. Scroll to the bottom and tap Edit.
The instructions below are for iOS 11 and above. I believe it is possible to invoke Google maps using Siri if you're running iOS 5 on your iPhone 4S. Tap Done. So, if you are using an iPhone with Google Maps installed, you will be able to tell Siri to navigate to ‘home’ or any other place via the app and it’ll start the navigation, something that was not possible before. Apple first demonstrated this feature back at WWDC, using Waze as the example. It's great if you're in a new area of town or traveling in a new city. This means you can now ask Siri to get you directions to a certain place using Google Maps or Waze on iPhone and CarPlay. You can ask for directions, find the nearest landmarks and request the quickest route home without having to manually type and search for the location. Sadly, one can't easily downgrade, so if you're already using iOS 6, you're out of luck for now. Mute, unmute, or hear alerts. What happens next is that Siri pulls up a list of any installed "routing apps" -- including Google Maps, which, as you probably know, recently returned to the iPhone. Tap Add "Google Directions" . Apple has improved Maps dramatically since launch, but Google Maps continues to be the leading maps and directions app on mobile devices.. Meaning you can now ask Siri to get you directions to a specific place using Google Maps on your iPhone, iPad and CarPlay. Google has updated its widely used Maps and Waze apps with Siri integration. However, since Google's maps are no longer integrated directly into iOS, using some features on the iPhone -- like asking Siri for directions -- still opens Apple's Maps app. So it's welcome news that Google Maps has recently been updated with Siri integration. To change the volume when connected to CarPlay, use your vehicle's volume controls when navigation guidance is speaking. Tap your profile picture or initial Settings Navigation settings. How to use Siri with Apple Maps Siri is closely integrated with Apple Maps, this makes it much easier to use for its sat-nav capabilities and as a virtual tour guide when traveling.
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