put to Because it is linked to the users model and user can has_many News. But when I change. Recently taking on the responsibility of a new position I noticed a static route in the routing table. @zpaulovics It's been some time without feedback. The same thing happens. My log file says this. > > No route matches "/home/index" with {:method=>:get} > > Remove the /public/index.html file in your app directory. Apparently, I shouldn't name my model 'News'. Started GET "/links/1/dislike" for at 2015-09-27 01:28:12 +0200.
@{ Html.RenderAction("solmenu", "Left"); } Uyarıyı Türkçeye çevirdiğinizde zaten hatayı anlıyorsunuz. Nasıl oluştu derseniz bir View içerisinde bir partial view çağırmaya çalışırken oldu.
If so, please provide a sample application to reproduce the problem, this goes a long way in debugging the issue. Do you still experience that problem? Umbraco 7. > Check to see if you have a route for root in your routes.rb file.
İstenen değerlerle route tablosunda kayıtlı bir route yok diyor. When I try to remove it I get "%No matching route to delete". It created name conflict when I do something like user.news. I have got products showing, but when I click any "Add to Basket" button, I get the following error: Ok!
.Net Core 3.0 and using CreatedAtRoute result in No route matches the supplied values. Merchello. I am (desperately) trying to integrate FastTrack with an existing site. I found the problem.
I am getting the below error in redmine.I searched on net for this error some say its an error with the .htaccess file while some say wits with routes.rb. "no route in the route table matches the supplied values." No route in the route table matches the supplied values. this makes no sense, if you have resources :newsletters declared and you are pointing at the show action witch has this form newsletters/:id and then you are not passing an id, it is correctly says that no route matches since the show action needs an id.
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