背景在我更新表字段的时候,发现报错:[Err] 1526 - Table has no partition for value 20190507分析从报错看,partition 字段,敏感的想到,分区表。 所以,看下这个表的来历(因为这个表不是我创建的)发现这个表是根据日期字段的范围进行分区(即 四大分区类型的,Range)。 查看zabbix的数据库,看看有没有如下几个存储过程: partition_create. ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (%s) 1526: ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE: Table has no partition for value %s: 1586: ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME: Duplicate entry '%s' for key '%s' 1591: ER_NO_PARTITION_FOR_GIVEN_VALUE_SILENT: Table has no partition for some existing values: 1748

However, I am at a bit of a loss. It's at AWS and using RDS so the CPU and memory loads are low but we do run into the values cache alert with some frequency. partition_verify. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs [alter table … 32757: 20190430: 095456.588 [Z3005] query failed: [1526] Table has no partition for value 1556589295 [insert into history_uint (itemid,clock,ns,value) values ... 095457.602 [Z3005] query failed: [1526] Table has no partition for value 1556589297 [insert into history_uint (itemid,clock,ns,value… 背景在我更新表字段的时候,发现报错:[Err] 1526 - Table has no partition for value 20190507分析从报错看,partition 字段,敏感的想到,分区... weixin_34352005的博客 Hi I have moved my zabbix server MySQL DB from one server to localhost. 4155:20170207:013603.074 [Z3005] query failed: [1005] Can't create table `zabbixdb`.`#sql-2fa_6527` (errno: 150 "Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed") [alter table event_tag add constraint c_event_tag_1 foreign key (eventid) references events (eventid) on delete cascade] 4155:20170207:013603.074 database upgrade failed

New Topics; Today's Posts; Forum; Zabbix in Your Language; На русском языке; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 10.2 859fe1f24d49 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. We normally hover around 80% of "Zabbix value cache % used".-470 hosts-35000 items-19000 triggers-500 new values per second. In my Org, I am the sole Zabbix Admin. Alright, I have held off posting for help for a little while assuming I could figure it out. mysqltest: At line 9: query 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4)' failed: 1526: Table has no partition for value 4 Current settings: CacheSize=128M Value=default (8M) History=default(4M) Trend=default (4M) They are older and prone to issues.

query failed: [1526] Table has no partition for value 1507509984 .

partition_maintenance. 可能会没有partition_maintenance_all,可以按照官方文档给出的sql语句创建: I had around 20 UPSes in, and today I decided to add on of my sites Cisco switches too (about 10 or so). I installed db_partition on my zabbix server version 2.2.2 and now it can not insert items on the history table: 17306:20140321:115103.729 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "new" LINE 3: ( NEW.itemid, NEW.clock, NEW.value, NEW.ns ) ^ QUERY: INSERT INTO HISTORY_m201403

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