here is the meta query. So I want a regexp where I can query to 4th occurrence. 2; 2; 5 years, 2 months ago.

0. Query Custom Post Type By Category and Author. Filtering Posts with Custom Fields Using meta_query September 17, 2018 - Leave A Comment You can further refine a list of posts by filtering any custom fields that the post has for a certain set of conditions, this is possible with WP_Meta_Query , which allows you to … In my testing, I'm seeing the same SQL as you're reporting. Learn more .

Customer Search IV, but result is included prIVate (original word is private). I have some situational problem with meta_query.

pinokio. I'm trying to query wordpress with multiple values but it looks like it can't take no more than 4 keywords I'm currently using a loop and I already tried to switch to a 'IN' operator but I need the

But the SQL is correctly matching posts.

As far as I can see, in WHERE meta_value REGEXP '^\\$100', MySQL inteprets the first slash as escaping the second one as a literal slash, and it then interprets the literal slash as escaping the $, which inside of a REGEXP means that it's not parsed as a regex special character. 2; 3; 4 years, 6 months ago.

Started by: Kevin. Trouble querying term meta via REGEXP.

I'm trying to do a search on serialized post meta values in a wordpress database. User will select month or year, for example, if user select Dec month then i will get response 10.

Active 2 years, 10 months ago. Wordpress Search Serialized Meta Data with Custom Query. WordPress Meta Query Examples for Custom Post Type November 28, 2014 December 10, 2019 Mehedi Hasan 0 Comments meta-key , meta-query , meta-value , post , post-type , posts Meta Field that we can call as ‘Custom Field’ is well known to everybody.
Kevin. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

But in this issue is data stored in post meta is in yyyymmdd format. Fondamentalement meta_query, paramètre de WP_Query vous permet de rechercher des posts WordPress par leurs méta données et de trier le résultat.. Dans ce billet, je suppose que vous avez déjà des connaissances de base sur la façon de travailler avec la classe WP_Query dans WordPress (vous pouvez aussi jeter un oeil aux normes de codage WordPress ça peut toujours servir). Ask Question Asked 7 years, 2 months ago.

Chris Whiteley. 1; 2; 4 years, 3 months ago.

Started by: Chris Whiteley. Then i pass this value in meta_query.

Started by: tripsus. Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class WP_Meta_Query.

My meta_query search from Title, sub title and description in Custom plugin. Viewed 2k times 1. I want to show only IV (roma numeric) included post.

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