StoneyB on hiatus StoneyB on hiatus. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. share | improve this answer | follow | | | | answered Nov 19 '15 at 14:27. Could you please tell me if you have got some time to read the report? The quote is about guerilla warfare and the war of attrition. We have some preliminary tallies and winners in some of the races, but for the final results — well, we’re going to have to wait a while. If one side is willing and able to wait their enemy out, they can defeat … Though the Taliban claim credit, we have seen this result many other times throughout history. "We're talking about a surge that could be quite emotive when you're dealing with so many deaths in a short space of time," he says. By the way, some time is unusual here in AmE; we would ordinarily say either bare time, or the time. Note that you can use “has got” or “have got” only in the 2020-06-15T01:59:53Z Buy We've Got Time (Free download) Users who like We've Got Time (Free download) Users who reposted We've Got Time (Free download) Playlists containing We've Got Time (Free download) More tracks like We've Got Time (Free download) License: cc-by have time to kill phrase. This line is attributed to the Taliban and the current war in Afghanistan. "But the fact is, we took the next step.

“You have the watches but we have the time,” is a quote from the book The Warrior Ethos by Steven Pressfield. What does have time to kill expression mean? 1.

In my (Midwestern US) experience, "the time" is … Definition of have time to kill in the Idioms Dictionary. We’d got the hurt of the Premier League, and if we had to go home after the last game of the ­season against Wolves that would have been really tough. 176k 11 11 gold badges 249 249 silver badges 439 439 bronze badges. What does have time to kill expression mean? For example, if I say, “I’ve got a really big TV,” I’m placing more emphasis on my possession of the TV than if I say, “I have a really big TV.” If you say you haven’t got any money, you’re stressing the fact that you’re broke. We got time on our side We don't need to rush anything tonight We got time we got time We don't need to rush anything tonight Its more than enough for me I love making love to your mind And we can't spend it all in one night But we got time on our side We don't need to rush anything tonight You're a book full of pages I get lost in em daily In American English, “have got” is an intensive form of “have” (2). The reasons for the delay are various, as the New York

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