The repair code is using creating keys one by one through the key cache. No TMD tables were being created (I checked the entire drive to see if they were being created) 3. Killing a repair table operation after finding out mysql chose keycache method will lead to corruption of the indexes, longer than planned downtime, and user frustrations. 查看内存. Description: When you kill a "create temporary ... select" query, mysql shows the state of the query as "repair by sorting" for a period before it drops the connection. The note is present is all versions of MySQL manual: If you do not, you are very likely to run into problems very quickly. On tiny or small tables, repair with keycache can be fast. What I miss the most is some way of knowing how far into the operation that mysql is, and how soon it might be finished. This is much slower than Repair by sorting. Also, if you have indexes in all columns that you have added to the SELECT clause, MySQL will not load the data from the table itself, but from the index (which is faster).. However here are the few interesting/weird things about this repair: 1. the "Repair by sorting" command was being run by User "system user" 2. >Repair with keycache - The repair code is using creating keys one by one >through the key cache. I was using the version that came with the Windows install of MySQL. Note :Multi-threaded repair is still beta-quality code." Today, a few of my MyISAM tables got corrupted, MySQL started repairing them. If you use the EXTENDED option, MySQL creates the index row by row instead of creating one index at a time with sorting. This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --recover --quick. Posted by: Paul Sanderson Date: September 17, 2007 04:33AM Hello I have an application which uses MySQL to manipulate large amounts of data for short periods of time. New Topic 'Repair by Sorting' uses which space? Yes, MySQL uses your index to sort the information when the order is by the sorted column. tmp or data directory? 重启数据库,再重新导入,OK了. Performance Comparison of Repair by Sorting or by Keycache January 4, 2010 Other day I noticed a case where loading the same set of data to InnoDB table took only 10 minutes where as loading to MyISAM table took ~2 hours. I believe this time is wasted and that the table can be immediately dropped because the connection will be closed anyways (thus dropping the temporary table). If you find enable key task is taking longer then start new session with MySQL and check the state of enable keys command.
This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --safe-recover. USE_FRM you can't kill a repair without corrupting the indexes. Repair by sorting. If you use the EXTENDED option, MySQL creates the index row by row instead of creating one index at a time with sorting. what does processlist say, 'repair by sort' or 'repair with keycache' ?
Fortunately it "only" took 1 day , 10 hours and 20.72 seconds to complete the repair table quick operation. try this in my.cnf myisam_max_sort_file_size=900G to make it faster. Repair done. Posted ... (including five columns) on a table with 500 million rows. The thread has completed a multithreaded repair for a MyISAM table. The current default implementation is flawed: o) small tables are repaired by sort o) large tables are repaired with keycache.
MySQL Forums Forum List » Newbie. preparing for alter table. I was fearing this "repair by keycache" event would take forever - given horror stories with far smaller tables. Advanced Search. BTW, 5.0.22 is too old to use, and you should be using 5.0.89 or 5.1.42 these days. innodb_buffer_pool_size: this is the #1 setting to look at for any installation using InnoDB. EXTENDED. MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine: Severity: S1 (Critical) Version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.3-log: OS: Linux (Debian_0ubuntu6.06) Assigned to: CPU Architecture: Any: Tags: myisam, repair table: View; Add Comment; Files; Developer; Edit Submission; View Progress Log; Contributions [23 Jan 2010 5:20] VIPUL JAIN . Description: This is a request to make "repair by sorting" the default method to attempt to rebuild indexes for any table. This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --recover --quick. The data set contains 13 columns each of which is indexed and typically about 30 Million rows. google之,发现是mysql配置的问题,于是按照网络的建议,修改了如下配置. So, now I know that "repair with keycache" is slower than "repair by sorting." 记录一下 This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --safe-recover. 'Repair by sorting' fails due to lack of available disk space. myisam_max_sort_file_size = 4096M. Here are 3 MySQL performance tuning settings that you should always look at.
京 急 設備投資計画 2020, 鯖缶 豆腐 カレー, Destiny2 バウンティ 上限, バイク ETC 使い方, Rice28 Rt9 12-13, Cubase オートメーション 設定, くすみブルー スカート コーデ 夏, レッド ウィング ファッション ダサい, 彼氏 好きかどうか 診断, クーラント 流して しまっ た, ディビジョン 2 Tu10 エキゾチック 入手 方法, アテンザ ディーゼル スペック, 東京駅 こども の日 イベント, 理科大 メール 卒業生, ルームウェア もこもこ カーディガン, 猫 室内飼い 散歩, Cubase ドラム打ち込み キーボード, 27インチ モニター Wqhd, Object Browser Dbms Output 表示されない, 引っ越し 狭い家 へ, Subplot Title Main, 星空 建物 撮影, 日本ユニシス 採用 2021, 算数 道のり 速さ 時間 問題, 軽トラ 下回り塗装 値段, レグノ Grv2 発売日, テント ろうそく 暖房, ファイル名が長すぎる か ファイル名の 書式 に 誤り が あります, 犬 斜視 手術, 法政大学 多摩キャンパス 歴史, ハイエース 運転席 アシストグリップ, 秋葉原 カード 買取 ツイッター, ベートーベン 悲愴 オーケストラ, 保育士 パート 妊娠 退職, シャネル チーク 選び方, ボルト 134 ネタバレ, BD Sx110c 温水, 県民 共済 質問, スプラトゥーン イベント 2020, アテンザ ディーゼル スペック, FF14 メンター うざい, マイクラ スライム どこ, エルフ メンテナンス リセット, バイク マフラー 傷 黒, Esprimo D551/gx Cpu交換, 名前シール アイロン 無料, フランク シナトラ 加山雄三 声 似 てる, AE Media Encoder できない, Dtab Compact D 01J ケース おすすめ,
This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --safe-recover. USE_FRM you can't kill a repair without corrupting the indexes. Repair by sorting. If you use the EXTENDED option, MySQL creates the index row by row instead of creating one index at a time with sorting. what does processlist say, 'repair by sort' or 'repair with keycache' ?
Fortunately it "only" took 1 day , 10 hours and 20.72 seconds to complete the repair table quick operation. try this in my.cnf myisam_max_sort_file_size=900G to make it faster. Repair done. Posted ... (including five columns) on a table with 500 million rows. The thread has completed a multithreaded repair for a MyISAM table. The current default implementation is flawed: o) small tables are repaired by sort o) large tables are repaired with keycache.
MySQL Forums Forum List » Newbie. preparing for alter table. I was fearing this "repair by keycache" event would take forever - given horror stories with far smaller tables. Advanced Search. BTW, 5.0.22 is too old to use, and you should be using 5.0.89 or 5.1.42 these days. innodb_buffer_pool_size: this is the #1 setting to look at for any installation using InnoDB. EXTENDED. MySQL Server: MyISAM storage engine: Severity: S1 (Critical) Version: 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.3-log: OS: Linux (Debian_0ubuntu6.06) Assigned to: CPU Architecture: Any: Tags: myisam, repair table: View; Add Comment; Files; Developer; Edit Submission; View Progress Log; Contributions [23 Jan 2010 5:20] VIPUL JAIN . Description: This is a request to make "repair by sorting" the default method to attempt to rebuild indexes for any table. This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --recover --quick. The data set contains 13 columns each of which is indexed and typically about 30 Million rows. google之,发现是mysql配置的问题,于是按照网络的建议,修改了如下配置. So, now I know that "repair with keycache" is slower than "repair by sorting." 记录一下 This type of repair is like that done by myisamchk --safe-recover. 'Repair by sorting' fails due to lack of available disk space. myisam_max_sort_file_size = 4096M. Here are 3 MySQL performance tuning settings that you should always look at.
京 急 設備投資計画 2020, 鯖缶 豆腐 カレー, Destiny2 バウンティ 上限, バイク ETC 使い方, Rice28 Rt9 12-13, Cubase オートメーション 設定, くすみブルー スカート コーデ 夏, レッド ウィング ファッション ダサい, 彼氏 好きかどうか 診断, クーラント 流して しまっ た, ディビジョン 2 Tu10 エキゾチック 入手 方法, アテンザ ディーゼル スペック, 東京駅 こども の日 イベント, 理科大 メール 卒業生, ルームウェア もこもこ カーディガン, 猫 室内飼い 散歩, Cubase ドラム打ち込み キーボード, 27インチ モニター Wqhd, Object Browser Dbms Output 表示されない, 引っ越し 狭い家 へ, Subplot Title Main, 星空 建物 撮影, 日本ユニシス 採用 2021, 算数 道のり 速さ 時間 問題, 軽トラ 下回り塗装 値段, レグノ Grv2 発売日, テント ろうそく 暖房, ファイル名が長すぎる か ファイル名の 書式 に 誤り が あります, 犬 斜視 手術, 法政大学 多摩キャンパス 歴史, ハイエース 運転席 アシストグリップ, 秋葉原 カード 買取 ツイッター, ベートーベン 悲愴 オーケストラ, 保育士 パート 妊娠 退職, シャネル チーク 選び方, ボルト 134 ネタバレ, BD Sx110c 温水, 県民 共済 質問, スプラトゥーン イベント 2020, アテンザ ディーゼル スペック, FF14 メンター うざい, マイクラ スライム どこ, エルフ メンテナンス リセット, バイク マフラー 傷 黒, Esprimo D551/gx Cpu交換, 名前シール アイロン 無料, フランク シナトラ 加山雄三 声 似 てる, AE Media Encoder できない, Dtab Compact D 01J ケース おすすめ,