If you want head-tracking and 3D Audio, please select LDAC at 48 Khz, or AAC or SBC codecs.

I dont have Android 8.0 device or Mac, but I have Windows 10 PC. LDAC™is a new audio technology from Sony that allows you to enjoy high quality wireless audio via Bluetooth.

Or is it that LDAC is only on Android and couple Sony DAPs while AAC is only on Mac so there is nothing I can do? Is there any way on earth that I can pair my BTR3 or any other LDAC or AAC capable bluetooth device with my Windows 10 computer?

The color of the LED represents which codec your bluetooth jplayback device is in. Codecs are always being improved as are audio devices.

Use the Fiio BTR3.

The default LDAC setting in Android is 32 Bit / 96 Khz.

For some devices, you need to install a codec on your system but for others, there are generally built-in audio codecs that let you use a …

Audio sounds one way or another because of the codecs that are being used. Tools & knowledge for IT pros. Hi, I'm just having a look into this for you and will come back with some info shortly.

Thanks, Drew In this Hi-Res mode, Mobius’ head-tracking and 3D Audio are disabled. With 3x the data transmitted, LDAC provides an enhanced wireless listening experience for all your music.

Bluetooth formats supported, and how to connect to them; ... you will have access to the LDAC codec.

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