Asus has expanded its ExpertBook series and has introduced the new ExpertBook B9450 laptop. ASUS ExpertBook B9450 Thin and Light Business-Laptop, 14” FHD, Intel Core i7-10510U-Processor, 512GB PCIe SSD, 16GB-RAM, Windows 10 Pro, Up to 24 … by Pradeep.
At CES 2020, ASUS today announced the new ExpertBook B9450, a thin and light business laptop that weighs just 1.91 lbs (866 gms) and comes with a 14.9mm-thin profile. You can find speedier and better-built laptops, but it's a great choice for long-haul travelers. Asus ExpertBook B9450 is a super-light business laptop May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020 Its dark-blue colour is appropriate for a business setting, though on closer look, there are tiny embedded specks on the laptop’s surface that reflect light, as if it was dusted with glitter. The ExpertBook B9450 sports a 14-inch NanoEdge display and comes with a 10th Generation Intel CPU, up to 16GB RAM, M.2 SSD slots, several connectivity options, the ASUS virtual NumberPad, a 33Wh cell with up to 10 hours of battery life, and support for Amazon Alexa. ExpertBook B9 assures you top-notch audio, thanks to four omnidirectional far-field microphones, smart amplifier technology, and Harman Kardon-certified speakers. The Asus ExpertBook B9450 has record-breaking battery life and a featherweight chassis, making it a compelling alternative to the ThinkPad X1 Carbon. ASUS ExpertBook B9450 (B9450FA-XS74) is now available on Amazon US (pre-order), B&H Photo Video and the ASUS US eShop for $1,699. ここではExpertbook B9(B9450)の一般的な特徴に触れています。筆者が使用した感想については、メリット・デメリットからご覧ください。 驚くほど軽く薄い. ExpertBook B9 tidak akan pernah mengecewakan Anda saat seharian bekerja atau penerbangan jarak jauh. 5 months. The ASUS ExpertBook … Bottom Line: A record-setting battery-life monster, the Asus ExpertBook B9450 is a super-light "Project Athena" business laptop with loads of handy connectivity. Selain itu, teknologi pengisian cepat memungkinkan Anda mengisi ulang baterai hingga maksimal Kapasitas 60% hanya dalam 39 … Menyediakan hingga 24 jam 5 masa pakai baterai dengan sekali pengisian daya dengan baterai berkapasitas tinggi dan Panel hemat energi Teknologi Panel Self Refresh. 0. ASUS ExpertBook B9450 Thin and Light Business-Laptop, 14” FHD, Intel Core i7-10510U-Processor, 512GB PCIe SSD, 16GB-RAM, Windows 10 Pro, Up to 24 …
The microphones on the upper bezel of the display capture voice clearly and feature noise cancellation to optimise your video conferences. Expertbook B9(B9450)は非常に軽く、女性でも片手で軽々と持てる重さになっています。
ASUS ExpertBook B9 (B9450) ... and a light bar on the front of the laptop that activates when using built-in support for Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa. ASUS announces a new 14-inch business laptop with a 14.9mm-thin profile and 860 grams weight. The new ASUS ExpertBook B9450 business laptop sports a unique Mgcote Slab Grey finish, and features a case machined from magnesium-lithium alloy.
ASUS ExpertBook B9 pushes the limits of an ultraportable, weighing mere 0.87kg, yet features a toughness with US military-grade durability and up to 24-hour battery life. ASUS ExpertBook B9450 Thin and Light Business Laptop, 14” FHD, Intel Core i7-10510U Processor, 2X 1TB PCIe SSD, 16GB RAM, Windows 10 Pro, Up to … Buy ASUS ExpertBook B9450 Thin and Light Business Laptop B9450FA-XS74 online on at best prices.
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