2018.02.22 - Today we’re excited to announce the next CS:GO Major Championship Series, hosted by FACEIT. The American Dream: Cloud9 ist Major-Champion. Event: Das ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018 ist zu Ende 29.01.2018, 00:42.

Mirage. New and Returning Challengers will join the Legends in London this September, where they’ll battle for the title of CS:GO Major Champion. Das Eleague Major Boston 2018 war das zwölfte Major-Turnier in der E-Sports-Disziplin Counter-Strike: Global Offensive und fand vom 12. bis zum 28. Mehr 18 Kommentare. FACEIT Major – London, 2018. Europe Minor - FACEIT Major 2018. Cloud9 war zuvor noch nie in einem Major-Finale. Complete overview of FACEIT Major 2018 Main Qualifier here. The World’s best CS:GO teams are coming to Boston to compete for the title of Major Champion. 2018.01.28 - Congratulations to Cloud9, winners of the ELEAGUE Boston 2018 CS:GO Major Championship! Home Schedule Standings Teams Gallery. Das ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018 hatte reichlich zu bieten, weshalb wir das Event nun nochmals in Zahlen Revue passieren lassen. 1 MAJOR TITLE WON. Astralis . The ELEAGUE Major: Boston 2018, also known as ELEAGUE Major 2018 or Boston 2018, was the twelfth Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major Championship and second organized by ELEAGUE.The group stage was held in Atlanta, Georgia, United States from January 12 to January 22, 2018, and the playoffs took place at the Agganis Arena in Boston, Massachusetts, United States from January 26 to … IEM Katowice 2019 Main Qualifier. IEM Katowice 2019. Dust2. Es war nach der MLG Columbus 2016 und der ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 das dritte Major-Turnier in den Vereinigten Staaten.Mit Cloud 9 gewann erstmals ein US-amerikanisches Team ein Major-Turnier. Major: Boston Teams.

Boston 2018 – Major Champions! Cache. See prize distribution, attending teams, brackets and much more! Map pool. This was their first time as Finalists and will take home $500,000 of the $1,000,000 prize pool. Januar 2018 in Atlanta und Boston statt.

Find out all completed and upcoming FACEIT Major matches, featuring the top CS:GO teams from the entire World. FACEIT Major 2018 Main Qualifier.

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