Sterzo: Fsa No.8B/ZS4D 1.1/8″ Comandi: Shimano ST-EF510 3x8v Forcella: Bianchi Alu 1.1/8″, post mount disc. Bianchi’s lightweight aluminum handlebar, stem, and seat post, keep the cockpit comfy without adding unnecessary weight. Telaio: C-Sport Gent Alu Disc, 700C, OLD 135mm, passaggio cavi interno, saldature levigate, tubo sterzo 1.1/8″ (parte inf. The 2017 C-Sport 1 Disc won‘t keep up with similar bikes while riding downhill or sprinting. C - SPORT 3 - DEORE 27SP DISC A sporty, versatile high performance flat bar road bike, Bianchi’s C-Sport 3 shares design elements with the successful Impulso and Via Nirone road models while offering the everyday convenience of a flat bar roadie. メーカー希望小売価格 税抜き 59,800円 税込み 64,584円. bianchi / c・sport 1 メーカー公式サイトはこちら **************** ・bianchi / c・sport 1 (2020年モデル) メーカー希望小売価格 税抜き 59,800円 税込み 65,780円. Available at Bike Attack … The 2017 C-Sport 1 Disc is easier to ride up hills than similar bikes.
Lightweight and nimble, this build has city traffic and sprightly commuting licked. 2020.04.26 Bianchi C・SPORT 1 ビアンキ C スポーツ 1 入荷しました! アルミフレーム +アルミフォーク、リムブレーキ仕様のクロスバイクです。 Its lightweight, hydroformed aluminum frame delivers quick acceleration and precise handling while its Shimano disc brakes improve stopping power in all conditions. C.Dream(シードリーム) アズーリクロスプラス 700c 外装21段変速 クロスバイク 27,900 円 +税 Bianchi(ビアンキ) CAMALEONTE 1 700c 24段変速 18年モデル クロスバイク Bianchi's C-Sport SE is a city bike that features V-brakes and a Shimano 7-speed Tourney drivetrain for tackling both steep hills and fast straightaways. sterzo semi-integrata e parte sup integrata), diam. 販売価格は店頭にて! あのBianchiからお手頃価格のクロスバイクが登場! スペック価格ともにかなーりちょうどイイ! C・Sport最大の特徴と言ってもいいのがこのちょい太ミゾ深タイヤ! Bianchi: C-Sport SE - 2020. Bianchi C・Sport 1. Bianchi's C-Sport 1 is one of their most versatile sport and fitness models. reggisella 31.6mm, misure:43-47-51-55-59cm.

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