Simply turn your smartphone, pen-enabled computer with a Wacom Bamboo Ink or Ink+, Wacom Tablet or display, or Android phone into a digital notebook with Bamboo Paper. Wacom CS-321A1K0B Bamboo Ink Smart Stylus - Black 4.1 out of 5 stars 267 Surface Pen, Stylus Pen with Microsoft Pen Protocol(MPP), 1024 Levels of Pressure Sensitivity and Aluminum Body, 2 Different Tips (H&HB), Active Surface Pro 6, Surface Laptop 1/2, (Black)

MANAGE YOUR NOTES AND … Click the InkNote option and then start scribbling with your Wacom or other supported tablet.
The app is available for Android, iOS and Windows and can be downloaded for free on the respective app stores. You can also […] Use the Wacom Inkspace app to turn what you write or sketch on paper into digital ink directly on your iOS device. Evernote for Windows lets you create an ink note — a note written on a graphic tablet — right inside Evernote. After you’re done, that ink note syncs to all other versions of Evernote that you use. wacom bamboo pen free download - Wacom Pen Tablet, Wacom Serial Pen HID Tablet, Wacom Serial Pen HID Tablet, and many more programs These include Bamboo Ink and Bamboo Smart which are meant for Windows Ink and iOS platforms respectively. The Bamboo Ink pen has customizable buttons to allow you to personalize it and be more productive. It replaces the Bamboo Spark app.

The pen is compatible with select Windows 10 PCs – you can find out if your PC is compatible by visiting this link. Clicking the Bluetooth button once will open Windows Ink Workspace, your canvas for all the ink-powered features and apps on your PC. To start off with Wacom Bamboo Ink, it has been released in collaboration with Microsoft which means you can expect optimal performance while using it with Windows Ink … The Bamboo Ink smart stylus works with Windows Ink, while the Bamboo Sketch smart stylus works with iOS devices of several sorts – not just iPad Pro.

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