2.5 Spanning Tree Protocol STP. Télécharger Cours Packet Tracer & Cisco en PDF ... Switch# show vtp status. Cisco VTP: VLAN Trunking Protocol VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) is a Cisco Layer 2 messaging protocol that manages the addition, deletion, and renaming of VLANs on a network-wide basis. Here, one command has set the VTP management domain name to mayberry, enabled VTP server mode, set the VTP password to opie9, and enabled VTP version 2. The recently introduced switch SW2 creates a STP loop in the VTP domain. VTP_show_vtp_status.jpg. ... show vtp 28. default active 28. received 27. vtp domain name 27. snap 26. status 25. information field 25. Configuration de la sélection du pont racine et des ports racines, désignés et non-désignés : The current VTP parameters for a management domain can be displayed.

Publisher: cisco. show vtp counters. Main Understanding and Configuring VLAN Trunk Protocol(VTP) Understanding and Configuring VLAN Trunk Protocol(VTP) Categories: Computers\\System Administration. Show vtp counters command shows the current VTP statistics for the switch. This command can be executed from user or privileged mode to view the current VTP advertisement and pruning statistics. To determine the VTP mode on the switch, log in to the device and issue the show vtp status command on an IOS device or the show vtp domain command on a CatOS device. show interface fa1/0 pruning. ... Show vtp status command shows the current configuration of VTP on a switch. On a CLI-based switch, use the show vtp domain command. A. On an IOS-based switch, use the show vtp status command. Switches that show either "server" or "client" as the VTP operating mode are affected by these vulnerabilities. The VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) revision number is important because it determines which updates are to be used when not managed properly this number can cause the deletion of all your networks VLAN information. VTP Status. C. Switch# show interfaces trunk. The recently introduced switch SW2 adds one more VLAN to the VLAN database in the VTP domain. Switch# show vtp counters. VTP transparent mode forwards VTP messages to connected switches but does not implement the VLAN database in its own database. What happens when the switch SW2 is connected to the rest of the network in the VTP domain Lab_Network? Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) Trunk Protocol (VTP) reduces administration in a switched network. When you set a VTP Domain Name, the revision number is set to zero, after which each change to the VLAN […] B. Refer to the exhibit. This command can display VTP pruning state.

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