Examiner: Describe a skill you have learned successfully. Describe a language you want to learn (not English) You should say: – What it is – How you would learn it and where you would learn it – And why you want to learn the language. IELTS Speaking Examples - Part 2. Below you will find a sample answer for this topic. Take a look at the topic and then listen to and read the candidates response.
If you want to refer to the first part of this tutorial, you can find it here: New Questions with Sample Answers Cue Card (Part 2) Here's my sample answer: I’m going to talk about a film that I’d like to see when it comes out later this year. An IELTS speaking model answer for a Jan 2018 speaking part 2 topic. In this IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer Nguyen (Band 8) talks about a person from history. Answer: It’s quite hard to say what my favourite movie is because there are quite a few to On this page you will find: a part 2 topic for Jan 2018; a sample answer; audio of sample answer (improve your pronunciation) You should say: What the film is about; Why you like it so much; What message the movie gives. Demonstrating the ability to paraphrase is also a big factor in your final score. In this tutorial we answer MORE Speaking parts 2 and 3 questions recently seen in the IELTS exam.
In this IELTS Speaking lesson from IELTS Master, I give a Band 9 sample answer (including the script below) for an IELTS speaking part 2 topic on “a journey that you remember well”. Appropriate use of verb tense will have a big influence on your final score. In this part of the test you are given a topic card by the examiner and you have to talk about it for two minutes. IELTS SPEAKING: 200 SAMPLE ANSWERS IELTS SPEAKING SAMPLE ... ... IELTS Speaking Here is a sample topic. What is your favourite film? I think ‘Spectre’ refers to the name of the imaginary criminal organisation that James Bond has to defeat in the film. Hints for IELTS Speaking Part 2. In this IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer Nguyen (Band 8) talks about a person from history. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer – Topic: Describe a language you want to learn (not English) Posted on April 9, 2019 March 15, 2019 by admin Describe a … IELTS speaking questions with answers. You will be given a pencil and paper and one minute to prepare your answer. Practise for your IELTS Speaking Exam Part 2 on the topic "Describe Your Favourite Movie". IELTS Speaking Test PART 2 Sample Question and Answer by Jane Lawson at DailyStep.com Question: Describe your favourite movie. Speaking part 2 is called: “The Talk” A face to face to talk to the examiner (3-4 minutes) You will be given a topic card. Hint #2: Identify the main topic and try to paraphrase it at least once. You should say - what the subject is - why you think it is unnecessary for children to study it - and explain what you would replace it with.
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