In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best simple WordPress themes that you can install on your website. Create a grid layout for your WordPress Blog in one simple step In our popular post Set up a blog with Beaver Builder the right way we explained why you should use the default WordPress blog and NOT use the Beaver Builder Posts module, as the posts module … The free version of NextGEN Gallery provides two main gallery styles (slideshows and thumbnail galleries) and two album styles (compact and extended), all of which come with a wide array of options for controlling size, style, timing, transitions, controls, lightbox effects, and more. These themes are clean, easy to use, and relatively minimalist. This masonry grid WordPress theme is a solution that works fantastically well as is. Title: Heading of the widget on your site. Creating a simple WordPress blogging layout with CSS Grid and Flexbox Posted On December 8, 2017 Last Updated On June 10, 2019 by Vassilis Mastorostergios CSS has come a long, long way and throughout the very recent years has steadily matured to become more than a simple styling specification which required hacks for many complex (or simple) things. The size of the items can also be altered using a simple drag and drop interface which is great for giving your grids a more creative appearance. Elementor is a powerful editor that is, at the same time, very beginner-friendly.

Album URL: The full URL to your public gallery on Google Photos. Unit simple one column grid based WordPress theme perfect for any writer or blogger looking for simple yet modern grid based theme. You can view a Demo Page here. Just write is what this theme is best design to do, focus on your photos and writing. Drag to your desired widget area and configure. Drag to your desired widget area and configure. Go to Appearance -> Widgets and a new widget named Simple Google Photos Grid should be available to use.

Nope, no need to code with Magine.

And to get the job done, the drag and drop method does the trick. These themes are clean, easy to use, and relatively minimalist. Title: Heading of the widget on your site. Album URL: The full URL to your public gallery on Google Photos. However, with the use of Elementor page builder, you can also customize the tool to the very last detail.

Using HTML and CSS In this demo I don’t have to rely on the images being attached to my post – so they could be hosted anywhere – say for example Amazon S3 – and I put some simple HTML and CSS together to create a grid. Go to Appearance -> Widgets and a new widget named Simple Google Photos Grid should be available to use. Great options, fully responsive and perfect for SEO optimization. uSquare – Universal responsive grid for WordPress. Default to empty. You can then extend it with various premium bundles.

Default to empty.

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