Esistono due tipologie distinte di VMware virtual disk: thick (Preallocato in maniera statica in fase di creazione); thin (Allocato in maniera dinamica e crescente in dimensione); Nel ESX/ESXi Server la tipologia supportata è quella THICK mentre lo script conserva come backup il file vmdk in forma THIN. We were able to create an eager zeroed thick 500 GB disk in less than a minute and so … It converts thick to thin and is able to reclaim unused (zeroed) space insight virtual disks. How to shrink a VMDK using VMware Converter by Rick Vanover in Data Center , in Virtualization on February 26, 2012, 10:00 PM PST It is easy to make a VMDK bigger, but not so much to shrink it. Thin or thick provisioning at the VMware level has minimal impact on what is actually used.

Delete unnecessary vmdk files - rm thin-vm01.vmdk && rm vm01-flat.vmdk.old In addition, if you have previously used then deleted contents, you may need to run a tool like sdelete to let VMware know that the blocks can be reclaimed, This reduces space used by my thin disks. I was going to add a new drive and robocopy the data over, but then saw they had the Sysvol and NTDS folders, so was thinking there may be another way to achieve this. This procedure converts a thin disk to a virtual disk in thick provision format. If VAAI is enabled creating thick eager zeroed thick VMDK disks do not consume too much time. I've read a few articles about V2V the VM. 4. Storage thin provisioning is absolutely transparent to vSphere so this should not have impact on vSphere thin provisioning. Conclusion: I know that this is just a workaround to the problem of VADP restore of never powered on VMDK but it works. If you created a virtual disk in the thin provision format, you can inflate it to its full size. Right-click the virtual disk file and select Inflate. The current disks are Thick provisioned.

Thick Provisioning e Thin Provisioning: Qual è la Differenza? In questo articolo, esamineremo in dettaglio l'aspetto di pre-assegnazione dell’archiviazione delle impostazioni del disco virtuale e scopriremo cos'è il thick provisioning e il thin provisioning, qual è la differenza tra essi e quale di questi tipi di pre-assegnazione dell’archiviazione è migliore per l'infrastruttura.
The file has the .vmdk extension. Inflate Thin Virtual Disks.

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