"Bad Boy" is the second single released by the American band Miami Sound Machine led by Gloria Estefan on their second English language album, and ninth overall, Primitive Love. The radio release and single was an edited and remixed version of the original album cut.
A contralto, she started her career as the lead singer in the group Miami Latin Boys, which later became known as Miami Sound Machine.. Estefan experienced worldwide success with "Conga" in 1985. Bad Boy Songtext von Gloria Estefan mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com The song enjoyed much success following up on the band's mainstream breakthrough single, "Conga". With 1985's Primitive Love, Miami Sound Machine recorded their first English-language effort, scoring three Top Ten pop hits in the U.S. alone with the infectious "Conga," "Bad Boy," and "Words Get in the Way." Gloria Estefan (Spanish: [ˈɡloɾja esˈtefan]; born Gloria María Milagrosa Fajardo García; September 1, 1957) is a Cuban-American singer, songwriter, actress and businesswoman. "Bad Boy" was the second single released by the American band Miami Sound Machine led by Gloria Estefan on their second English language album, and ninth overall, Primitive Love.
The song opened the film, Three Men and a Baby.
The song enjoyed much success following up on the band's mainstream breakthrough single, "Conga".
Schau das Video für Bad Boy von Gloria Estefan's Bad Boy kostenlos und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an.
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