Mobile must have Android 2.x and must be rooted. The description of OTG USB patch + NTFS mount For operation of this application you shall have rights of root and the kernel with OTG support is set Full NTFS Read/Write Support for Android NTFS is Microsoft’s proprietary and preferred file system, replacing the more well-known FAT file system. Cheaper smartphones, especially those from Chinese vendors typically omit exFAT due to licensing costs. Egal, auf welche Art und Weise.

Using APKPure App to upgrade OTG USB patch + NTFS mount, fast, free and save your internet data.

exFat oder auch das alte FAT32 geht. Das hat mit OTG nichts zu tun. GitHub - nijanthanh/NTFS-support-for-USB-OTG: An android app which allows NTFS pendrives and hard disks to be read on an OTG enabled mobile. Vanilla Android kann mit NTFS nicht umgehen. Android doesn't support NTFS and is unlikely to ever support it. It should already work out of the box with most recent Android smartphones since they include exFAT support. If none of the apps you've tried work then there isn't anything you can do except format the drive you want to … I have been using Western Digital 512 GB USB hard drive with NTFS on my Android phone.

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