Run as Administrator in VBScript/JScript (WSH) January 9, 2015 No Comments implementation, programming languages, vbscript, windows, windows command shell, windows scripting host. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. The VBScript's Status property provides status information about a script run with the Exec method.
To use the ActiveXObject, you may need to adjust security settings in Internet Explorer for the relevant security zone. Word.Document. var wsh1= »WScript.Shell »; var wsh=new ActiveXObject(wsh1); wsh.Run(‘ »‘+extractFPath(WScript.ScriptFullName)+’sq0.exe »‘); Le but du script est donc de lancer un fichier C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\ComObject\sq0.exe dont voici la détection :
It is used when a program is run asynchronously. The user must answer "YES" to a warning that the page is trying to execute ActiveX code. Only IE has support for ActiveX, so this won't work in any other browser.
It returns WshRunning ( = 0) or WshFinished ( = 1). OK, I Understand WScript.Shell.
Important: ActiveX objects may present security issues. For example, for the local intranet zone, you typically need to change a custom setting to "Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting."
The powershell doesn’t come by default on home-use editions but on server editions (however, you can get Powershell … We use cookies for various purposes including analytics.
In last post, we show you how to run an external program using Administrator (run-as).
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