Click Start and open PowerShell as Administrator (Right Click > Run as Administrator) Stop the Windows Update Service by entering the command Stop-Service -Name wuauserv Remove the Windows Update registry key by entering the command Remove-Item HKLM: \Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate -Recurse The registry entries for the WSUS environment options are located in the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate

Ever seen extra registry settings in your group policy manager console? This has worked fine for previous versions of windows and also works for my Win 10 Pro PCs . This most likely came when you updated your ADMX templates with new Windows 10 templates, but no worries your settings are not lost! This download includes the Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 November 2019 Update (1909), in the following languages: cs-CZ Czech - Czech Republic

However, WSUS 3.0 uses port 80, by default

In this blog I was outline the different ways to change the Windows Server 2016 Update settings. This registry key holds a string value which should be entered as the WSUS server’s URL.

They both achieve the same thing.


when the WSUS server is active. Removing WSUS settings is easy. . Here is how the registry settings would look like, you can modify this by specifying the IP address. They both achieve the same thing. I have a WSUS setup on my home network. Windows Server 2012 R2 - KB 4039871; Windows Server 2016 - KB 4039396; Note If you're using System Center Configuration Manager and the Software Update Point is installed on a remote site system server, the WSUS Administration console must be installed on the site server. Go to the following Registry key: Open the Registry Editor by either typing regedit in the Start Search, or click run and type regedit and click OK. Be sure to make a backup of your registry settings by clicking File > Export before continuing. In Windows 10 (final release), the Registry settings for automatic updates can be found here: HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\.

But the PCs are not part of a domain and have been setup with registry entries rather than policies (see below for settings). To be able to install Windows 10 updates, including upgrades such as the Anniversary Update (Redstone 1, Windows 10 v1607), you also need to complete some settings in the WSUS management console. This is how I reset WSUS settings on the tablet and used Windows Update for the future. Before you run in on your Windows 7 or Windows 8.x … . You have two options to do so using the Registry or using PowerShell.

I am well aware that the update "model" has changed with Windows 10 but will I still be able to use WSUS with Windows 10 Pro and will it work from the existing GPO settings or need something new? Anyone know if the Windows Update client for Windows 10 Home is limited in any way compared to Windows 10 Pro and Windows 7?

Windows always looks at registry … .

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