You may have to registerregister one just exposes an API (henceforth termed as API-app) and; another one acts as an Administration Portal (henceforth termed as AdminPortal) for managing the data in API-app. Cependant, j'ai voulu tester les mêmes conditions que les clients de mon API va l'utiliser. Want to improve this question? Thanks for your help. The Overflow Blog Podcast 231: Make it So Facebook. Git@OSC (中文名:码云 ,英文 Gitee )是开源中国社区推出的基于 Git 的代码托管服务。托管到 Git@OSC 的开源项目还可以参加中国源推广计划。Git@OSC 在 GitLab 开源软件基础上做了大量的定制开发。 码云与 Github 的比较: Find answers to Rails uninitialized constant Iconv from the expert community at Experts Exchange ruby-on-rails - 書き方 - uninitialized constant ルーティングエラー-初期化されていない定数 (2) 私はこれをRails 3.2.12で修正できませんでした。

This question is off-topic. uninitialized constant OrdersController [closed] Ask Question Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. You are correct that the base class is coming from the rails_generator/base.rb module. Viewed 8k times -1. However on a staging_experimental environment I upgraded both the …
Active 6 years, 3 months ago. Closed. Dismiss Join GitHub today. Si vous êtes intéressé par cette solution, voici ce que j'ai utilisé: email. Linkedin. 機能 定数管理 内部 yml uninitialized unable require_dependency rails guides expected define constant ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 日本語 Top On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Alex Mercer wrote: > gem update --system. Upgrading to 2.3.2 – Uninitialized constant ApplicationController. I have two separate Rails applications. I do like the idea of putting the code in the config/boot file but I really would like to learn if it's possible to set a base class attribute from an overridden function in a subclass?

Twitter. 0. I'm using the helper . これだけで実行すると、uninitialized constant エラーが発生する。 in `
': uninitialized constant Test1 (NameError) これはRubyのコーディング規約である、 ・メソッド名はすべて小文字 ・クラス名は一文字目を大文字 Actually, that might not work on a Debian based distro if rubygems has been installed via apt packages. uninitializedの意味や使い方 初期化されていない - 約1158万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 Problem Upgrading from a previous version of Rails to the latest 2.3.2, you get an error: 1. Sign up and sign in seem to be working, however when I use 'before_action :authenticate_request!' 1) uninitialized constant Coupons::Engine (NameError) が出るのは、いつでしょうか?rails s をした時でしょうか? 2) 同名のクラスを定義してい たりしませんか? – user3758624 16年5月1日 10:01 Je me rends compte que le paramètre :format => :json est une solution (comme indiqué ci-dessus). new_user_schedule_path(current_user) when linking to my 'new' view. uninitialized constant SchedulesController My only thoughts on what the problem could be are that is has something to do with nested resources or declaring a single resource and I'm going wrong somewhere. It is not currently accepting answers. in a

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