Give you footer absolute positioning, bottom: 0, left:0 and width: 100%. You can also use a bottom border if you prefer but a margin won't work.
Use the sticky footer with a fixed navbar if need be, too. The padding-bottom in #content for the margin is the same number as the height of #footer (including any padding or borders you may add). A fixed navbar has been added with padding-top: 60px; on the body > .container.. Back to the default sticky footer minus the navbar.
The purpose of a sticky footer is that it “sticks” to the bottom of the browser window.
The footer is set to absolute, sticking to the bottom: 0 of the page-container it is within. Requirements. How to create footer to stay at the bottom of a Web page?
The footer has a set height in pixels (or ems).
Since you are making what seems to be a “Sticky Footer”, you have to account for the overlapping space that your footer is making compared to your content. A wrapping div is used here that would contain all other page content. I feel like I have looked through their site documentation a handful of times and have not found anything on footers. In case of small content in main layout footer goes up when it should be located in the bottom page Pin a fixed-height footer to the bottom of the viewport in desktop browsers with this custom HTML and CSS. But not always, if there is enough content on the page to push the footer lower, it still does that. Sticky footer. General Bootstrap questions; Topic: Footer does not stick to the bottom page . Am I missing something on this?
Bootstrap 4.3.1 Want more UI components? If that is the case than a simple CSS sticky footer is the best solution. You can set the color of the footer by adding one of the classes from our color palette. The sticky footer remains fixed at the bottom. This is a whole page example with the scrollbar so that footer can be seen, which is fixed. Example courtesy Martin Bean and Ryan Fait. Built with. The header and your content are irrelevant to make the footer stick at the bottom in styling, so I’m just gonna write what’s necessary for keeping your footer always at the bottom. Footer Bootstrap footer. View More Premium Content. Want more Bootstrap themes & templates?
Use the sticky footer with a fixed navbar if need be, too. Because here #footer has the position:absolute relative to wrapper means #content will reach to bottom of the page so we need to create the space for bottom by adding padding-bottom to the #content as the same height of the footer. Pin a fixed-height footer to the bottom of the viewport in desktop browsers with this custom HTML and CSS. Subscribe to get updated when new Bootstrap related products arrive!
Bootstrap Studio Forums.
We'll look at a couple of techniques for creating one in this recipe.
The following example shows how to create a bootstrap sticky footer.
If a site or webpage has few pieces of content than it will look ugly because there is much white space between the content area and a footer.
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