I'm running Windows 7 64bit and have PC companion installed. In device manager is shows S1 service without drivers installed. The Selpic S1 is a handheld printer with a small half-inch wide printhead that you can drag across many different-shaped objects and print a swath in one of several different colors with the interchangeable ink cartridges that are available. Non-porous materials like metal, glass and plastic are particularly suitable, as the ink dries quickly on these surfaces. Picture : Review of Selpic S1 Portable Printer Endless possibilities: Selpic is the world's first quick-drying handy smart pritner. App is available on App Store, Google Play, Windows OS and Mac OS.
国内価格:¥ 36,490, さまざまな素材に使用可能な手のひらサイズポータブルカラープリンター「Selpic S1 Plus(セルピックS1 Plus)」のご紹介です。 Selpic S1 Plus(セルピックS1 Plus)は、様々な表面や素材にプリントできる手のひらサイズのハンドヘルドプリンター。
Transmit the text or images to printer; 3.Click the print button and slide the printer to print. *Save 40%! With Selpic, a super portable printing … App is available on App Store, Google Play, Windows OS and Mac OS. Now users can print anything with a simple click and slide to put images, text or logos onto any surface in vivid color. SELPIC S1 Plus, an exciting new handheld printer is an ultra-lightweight solution that provides high quality, reliable and high volume printing with handheld convenience and go-anywhere portability. SELPIC S1+ is a palm-sized handheld printer that allows you to print on any surface and any material! 6 ink colors are available. https://selpic.com - Have you wondered how the quick-drying Selpic S1 Handy Printer works? States S1, S2, S3, and S4 are the sleeping states. You can print the text, image, QR code, barcode simply by moving the printer. 06/16/2017; 3 minutes to read; In this article. $79 for a black quick-drying cartridge and $84 for a non-black quick-drying cartridge. I've press and held the volume button while connecting the USB cable. With Selpic you can print text, images, QR codes, barcodes or logos simply by sliding the printer along a surface. Super Easy to Print: Printing with the Selpic S1 App is as easy as 1-2-3. It is the perfect tool for the daily paperwork, arts, crafts, and entertainment. Selpic nie działa jak standardowa drukarka – potrzebuje własnej aplikacji z wersjami aplikacji dostępnymi na iOS i Androida. The Selpic S1 is really small/ Ted Needleman There’s also a tiny, very hard-to-read user guide. Amazon.com: Selpic S1 Portable Printer Inkjet Printing with Quick-Drying Waterproof Ink, Wireless & Mobile Printing on Any Surface: Electronics
iTech – Blog: iOS • Android • Windows • Mac • Game • Technology The best Techology blog providing news, reviews, tutorials, and tricks, about everything. A system in one of these states is not performing any computational tasks and appears to be off. Fortunately, there are videos online which show how to load the ink cartridges and use the printer, though it’s pretty much a no-brainer. Selpic S1+ / Selpic S1は、通常のプリンターとは異なり自分でスライドさせて印刷できるモバイルプリンターです。 Selpic S1は印刷範囲が0.5インチ (約12mm) ですが、Selpic S1+では 1インチ (約25.4mm) と大きくなっています。 We offer 12-month warranty on the S1 printer and lifetime tech support.
Windows sees the device is plugged in, and attempts to install drivers - it fails. *If you want more ink cartridges to be shipped with your printer, feel free to add the add-ons into your pledge.
System Windows nie jest obsługiwany podczas moich testów, ale dostawca twierdzi, że będzie dostępny wkrótce. Unlike a system in the shutdown state (S5), however, a sleeping system retains memory state, either in the hardware or on disk. Turn on the printer, connect to Selpic WiFi; 2. It’s great for craft projects, small businesses, or just labeling all the things..
The S1 model squirts out ink from a half-inch print head, while the S1+ can print twice as high. System Sleeping States. Aplikacja ma również osadzoną dokumentację, chociaż przypadkowo to … It is a perfect tool for the daily paperwork, arts, crafts, and entertainment. The Selpic S1 measures 1.5 x 4.3 x 4.7 inches (4 x 11 x 12cm), and weighs a minuscule 13.6 ounces (386g), making it just about pocket-sized. Selpic S1 is a portable quick-drying printer that can print on pretty much surface, even if it’s not flat.
The Selpic S1 is a handheld printer with a small half-inch wide printhead that you can drag across many different-shaped objects and print a swath in one of several different colors with the interchangeable ink cartridges that are available. It can print on any surface such as paper, cardboard, wood, textiles, leather, ceramic, metal, glass, walls. 1.
Selpic S1 is a palm-sized inkjet printer that can be used to print all kinds of motifs such as logos, photos or barcodes on different surfaces. The ink cartridge also contains the … Specifications:
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