Il est le fils de Caius Marius et de Fulcinie, « parents obscurs et pauvres, réduits à gagner leur vie du travail de leurs mains ». ce nu avea un cens minim de 1600 sesterţi), Marius deschise accesul în … Il put donc ainsi, à presque vingt-cinq ans, se faire élire au tribunat militaire et servir sous les ordres de Scipion Émilien au siège de Numance, en 134/133 av. Perhaps he simply ran for local office as a means of gaining support back home, and lost to some other local worthy. [100] Meeting with the Cimbri, the invading tribesmen threatened the Romans with the advance of the Teutones and Ambrones. Mais Marius ne semble pas avoir clairement eu d'orientation politique précise, comme le montra son attitude en 101 av. Hence, Metellus had to have asked the Senate to appoint Marius as legate to allow him to serve as Metellus's subordinate. This is especially the case of Marius's characterisation in the narratives of both Sallust and Plutarch. Presenting this view, Evans traces here Marius' rise to pre-eminence, his contribution to legislation and his involvement with other politicians. Si Sylla s'était efforcé de donner un cadre légal à sa purge, ce qui limita en partie les morts et les destructions, Marius et Cinna se comportèrent intégralement en envahisseurs éliminant leurs adversaires par de nombreuses proscriptions. [57] With more troops mustering in southern Italy, Marius sailed for Africa, leaving his cavalry in the hands of his newly elected quaestor, Lucius Cornelius Sulla. And beyond building allies in anticipation for the return of the Cimbri, he executed significant and wide-ranging reforms to the legions. J.-C. (fait qui conteste la thèse de la brouille). Sulla then ordered his troops to begin a slow march on Rome. [61] For once, Marius was unprepared for action and in the melee all he could do was form defensive circles. [146] Marius was defeated and fled Rome. [13] This led to Roman soldiers of the time being referred to as Marius's mules. Caius was born in 597, in Arpinum, Arpino, Italia. [133][132] Marius now in sole command continued the fight against the Marsi and their allies. [143] Upon hearing of this, Sulla rallied his troops to his personal banner and called upon them to defend him against the insults of the Marian faction. Caius Marius recurse, pentru a-şi menţine si chiar spori popularitatea, la o reformă care schimbă fundamental principiul înrolării în armată. This is when Claudius Marcellus and his 3,000 men loudly and viciously attacked the enemy rear. Though he may not have realised it, Gaius Marius caused through his political ambition the beginnings of the fall of the Roman Republic. [79] Marius was tasked with rebuilding, effectively from scratch, the Gallic legions. [149] Regardless, Sulla was again confirmed as the commander of the campaign against Mithridates, so he took his legions out of Rome and marched east to the war. 2.1. Sa popularité et ses appuis dans le mouvement des populares lui permirent tout de même d'être élu de justesse préteur en 115 av. However, seeing that opposition was impossible, Marius decided to travel to the east in 98 BC, ostensibly to fulfill a vow he had made to the goddess Bona Dea. [42], By 108 BC, Marius expressed his desire to run for the consulship. [170] The size of the rewards gained from manipulating the Assemblies was irresistible to future generations of ambitious politicians.[164]. Greek biographer Plutarch had stated that Marius belonged to a poor family, and that his father was a labourer. © claudiozacc – Il est né en 157 av. After election, he likely served Quintus Caecilius Metellus Balearicus on the Balearic Islands helping him win a triumph. [118], Plutarch portrays this voluntary exile as a great humiliation for the six-time consul: 'considered obnoxious to the nobles and to the people alike', he was even forced to abandon his candidature for the censorship of 97. Bien qu'il préside au dénouement de la majorité d'entre elles, il ne provoque de lui-même aucune guerre. [58] He arrived comparatively late in 107 BC but still fought and won a battle near Cirta. Each group of Romans was fighting for their survival. L'ennui était que Marius avait construit une part de sa popularité en soutenant justement la diffusion de la citoyenneté à l'ensemble de l'Italie, et que, bien qu'il fût originaire d'une ville avec citoyenneté, il n'était pas lui-même romain. [81], After the repeated disasters of the Cimbrian war, this need for men became ever more acute. Il renforça les effectifs, qui, pour chaque légion, passèrent de 4 000 à 6 000 hommes. The Teutones and their allies the Ambrones were to head south and advance toward Italy along the Mediterranean coast;[88] the Cimbri were to attempt to cross the Alps into Italy from the north by the Brenner Pass; and the Tigurini (the allied Celtic tribe who had defeated Longinus in 107) were to cross the Alps from the northeast. Biographie Sa famille. S'appuyant sur ses alliés au tribunat, il se fit attribuer le proconsulat en Afrique et le commandement de la guerre de Jugurtha, en Numidie, au détriment de Metellus. Les deux hommes marchèrent sur Rome. Il réussit néanmoins à réactiver l'alliance populares, et obtint du tribun de la plèbe Sulpicius Rufus, en 88 av. Bien qu'il conservât des partisans, le meurtre de ses propres alliés laissa Marius très isolé. Unsurprisingly Marius's ad hoc force was no match for Sulla's legions. Après avoir éliminé la majorité des forces populares, il fit voter (par des sénateurs terrorisés) un senatus consulte mettant tous ses adversaires hors-la-loi. Together they led their men against the Numidian infantry who occupied a hill. [85] The premature closure of the tribunal due to local pressure caused unrest and ignited an uprising that would consume the island until 100 BC.[86]. He was a regular person (called a plebeian) and not a an aristocrat (called a patrician). L'armement, autrefois diversifié, fut uniformisé, et son acquisition fut facilitée par une hausse de la solde. Il avait même fallu, au cours du siècle, abaisser plusieurs fois le cens. By G-Manicus, April 18, 2008 in Libri. Comment les sociétés décident de leur disparition ou de leur survie | Jared Diamond | download | B–OK. “Why, then,” they said, “dost thou not lead us at once against the enemy, while our blood is still moist?” To which Marius calmly replied: “We … And in 90 BC, the Assembly carried a law, the lex Julia de civitate latinis et sociis danda to grant citizenship to Italians not yet under arms. He also ordered his beasts of burden to be fashioned as cavalry horses. Caught off guard by Sulla's cavalry, pinned down by Catulus's infantry and flanked by Marius, the Cimbri were slaughtered and the survivors enslaved. Sign in to follow this . [57] And again, with the threat of the Cimbri, he was granted another exemption. 2. Thereafter, Rome's legions would largely consist of poor citizens (the "capite censi" or "head count") whose future after service could only be assured if their general could bring about land distribution and pay on their behalf. [19] In the 130s, voting by ballot had been introduced in elections for choosing magistrates, passing laws and deciding legal cases, replacing the earlier system of oral voting. La formation en manipule est remplacée par la cohorte. On a beaucoup insisté sur les origines plébéiennes de Marius, « homme inculte » (selon Cicéron) que « personne ne connaissait ». While political violence had been increasingly normalised throughout the middle and late Republic, starting with the murder of the Gracchi brothers, the passage of the senatus consultum ultimum against Saturninus and Glaucia in Marius's sixth consulship normalised the use of force not only against private citizens, but also "against properly elected magistrates in order to preserve [the Senate's] own position".[167]. Des remarques ? The People's Assembly was nervous enough about the Cimbric threat and disunity in command to reelect Marius to three successive consulships (in 104, in 103 and in 102 BC). [57], Marius, however, in his successive consulships, also overhauled the training and logistical organisation of his men. The battle continued for much of the morning, with neither side gaining the upper hand. Some who opposed Sulla were elected to office in 87 BC – Gnaeus Octavius, a supporter of Sulla, and Lucius Cornelius Cinna, a supporter of Marius and member of Sulla's extended family,[149] were elected consuls – as Sulla wanted to demonstrate his republican bona fides. In early 89 BC, with the expansion of the war slowing, the Senate dispatched Lucius Porcius Cato to take over the troops under Marius's command. Apparently, the Ambrones had camped apart from the Teutones. Cicéron, l’autre « homme nouveau » originaire d‘Arpinum, écrit sur Marius qu’il est « un ho… Le consul Lucius Cornelius Cinna, pourtant installé par Sylla auquel il jura fidélité jusqu'à ce qu'il partît, proposa dès 87 av. [93] Marius sent Manius Aquillius with a report to Rome that said 37,000 superbly trained Romans had succeeded in defeating over 100,000 Germans in two engagements. Marius and his contemporaries's need for soldiers cemented a paradigmatic shift away from the levy-based armies of the middle Republic towards open recruitment. [129] Marius had expected sole command and he did not get along with Caepio with disastrous results. [160] Cinna would lead the Marian faction into the civil war, which continued until Sulla won control of the state and made himself dictator with an undefined term. Facultatif : transmettez-nous également les coordonnées GPS de l'emplacement exact de la sépulture de Marius. Vous avez des questions sur Marius ? J.-C., dans le pays Volsque, qui, même si elle offrait la citoyenneté romaine complète à ses habitants, restait néanmoins une petite ville de second rang, même si elle sera également la ville natale de Cicéron, qui partage avec Marius sa qualité d'homo novus. [136], The Italian war for citizenship was hard-fought. It seems that the minimum qualification for the fifth census class (the lowest one eligible for military service) was lowered from 11,000 to 3000 sesterces of property, and already in 109 BC the consuls had had to seek suspension of Gaius Gracchus' restrictions on the levy. Issu d'une grande famille patricienne déchue, Sylla espérait beaucoup de la Première guerre contre Mithridate, qui lui aurait permis de revaloriser son nom et de s'installer durablement au pouvoir. The Germanic warriors divided their forces, making each contingent manageable, and the Romans could use their shorter lines of communication and supply to concentrate their forces at will. [59] At the end of 107 he surprised Jugurtha by a dangerous desert march to Capsa in the far south where, after the town surrendered, he put all the survivors to the sword. J.-C. Naissance à Cereatae, près d’Arpinum. According to Plutarch, during a conversation after dinner, when the conversation turned to generals, someone asked Scipio Aemilianus where the Roman people would find a worthy successor to him, the younger Scipio gently tapped on Marius's shoulder, saying: "Perhaps this is the man". Yet, Marius got around this by inducing an ally of his, then-tribune Titus Manlius Mancinus, to have the Assembly override the Senate's decision and appoint him in command. [163] Marius's legacy is heavily defined by his example: his five successive consulships, while seen contemporaneously as necessary for the survival of Roman civilisation, gave unprecedented power into the hands of a single man over a never-before-seen length of time. Marius laisse un fils adoptif Caius Marius « le jeune », qui partage sa fortune, et qui, après sa mort, se fait élire consul en l'an 82 avec Gnaeus Papirius Carbo. Only in 188 BC, thirty years before his birth, did the town receive full citizenship. Született: i. e. 157 Arpino: Elhunyt: i. e. 86. január 13. Il pouvait sans difficulté imposer ses décisions au Sénat et faire voter des lois agraires en faveur de ses vétérans. However, the well-conditioned and disciplined legionaries slowly and systematically forced the tribal horde down the hill until both the Romans and barbarians were on level ground. Il est connu pour avoir drastiquement réformé l'armée romaine, en permettant le recrutement de citoyens qui n'étaient pas propriétaires terriens et en restructurant les légions en plusieurs cohortes. [58] Meanwhile, Jugurtha was trying to get his father-in-law king Bocchus of Mauretania to join him in the war against the Romans. En le supprimant, Marius ouvrit l'armée à une foule de volontaires, désireux d'acquérir gloire et fortune sur le champ de bataille. [89], Marius's consular colleague in 102 BC, Quintus Lutatius Catulus, did not fare so well. Instead of baggage trains, Marius had his troops carry all their weapons, blankets, clothes, and rations. On peut penser que ces événements inspirèrent Marius, qui se fit élire tribun de la plèbe en 119 av. J.-C. Il reste avant tout un chef militaire, très efficace au demeurant, dont les principales oeuvres restent la capture de Jugurtha, la réforme de l'armée et la victoire contre les Cimbres et les Teutons. Enfin, on peut également placer le début de la crise au début du Ier siècle av. Constatant cette popularité, Marius n'hésita pas à demander congé, d'abord refusé, et à briguer un consulat qu'il obtint, en 107 av. Caius Marius Marius was born circa 646, to Caius Marius Marius and Julia Caesaris Filia Marius (born Julii). The match was advantageous to both sides: Marius gained respectability by marrying into a patrician family and the Julii received a great injection of energy and money. D'autres le placent au moment où les Gracques tentent de réformer l'État romain et où les sénateurs maintiennent le statu quo en faisant assassiner les deux frères. [73] Yet, since the Assembly had the ability to overturn any law, it simply set aside the requirements and made Marius consul. [63] In 107 the consul Lucius Cassius Longinus was completely defeated by the Tigurini, and the senior surviving officer (one Gaius Popillius, son of the consul of 132) had saved what was left only by surrendering half the baggage and suffering the humiliation of having his army "march under the yoke".